Writing while Restless


Today I’m feeling a little…stir crazy. Though the mechanics of my brain are currently working about as well as…as something that doesn’t work very well, the rest of me wants to just get up and go. Somewhere. The rest of me isn’t picky.

I’ve even taken the “laptop” of my laptop literally, and am trying writing in a different space, just to chance the view a little bit. Not much, mind you, but a little. Not sure it’s enough.

Restlessness is a weird thing for a writer. If it was warmer, I’d probably head out for a walk, and, of course the minute I was safely away from any means of writing, I’d have a flood of ideas, words flying at me faster than I can catch them.

I should check the temperature. Though it looks like it’s doing something out there. Not sure exactly what, but something. I’d prefer not to be damp and restless. Damp is the worst, anyway.

There’s probably only one thing left to do. It’s time to break out the timer.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

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