Now or Later


This morning the coffeemaker needed cleaning. You know the coffeemaker. The one I got with high hopes of a freshly-ground future. The one that dashed those hopes with clumpy steamed coffee grounds and cement-clogged chutes.

That coffeemaker.

Like with most things in life, we’ve gotten along much, much better since I lowered my expectations, and now only use pre-ground coffee. Despite owning a perfectly good grinder I could use separately.

So I looked at its alternately-flashing lights, knowing that that was the signal for “replace the smell of freshly-brewed coffee with that of hot white vinegar,” and thought hmm. Do I do this now?

And I responded to myself with a yes.

Do it now, do it now. There are some tasks that, when put off, seem to gain bulk and dimension until they feel unreasonably difficult. But if you don’t stop to think, if you just shrug and get on with it, then it’s done.

Did going through the cleaning ritual really slow me down on my to-dos? I mean really? Does it take that much longer to get up and run the clean water through?

Here’s the thing. Had I delayed, I would have been thinking about it, that tiny task, in one corner of my mind. But now it’s done. Or mostly done, I think another round of water is in order, given that vinegary coffee isn’t exactly a gourmet delight.

We know we need to prioritize and organize, but when it seems like not doing something is going to bug you more and longer than just handling it would, do it now.

Vinegar through the coffeemaker is temporary. That nagging distraction is forever.

For more on my thoughts about Charlottesville and rising bigotry, please read An Open Letter to My Friends of Color.

Check out  my full-length novels: 

Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only)   

Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) 

 Her Cousin Much Removed

 The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management.

And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

Peruse Montraps Publishing.

3 thoughts on “Now or Later

  1. debscarey

    Ah but …
    Is this about building a new routine where you avoid procrastination in all forms?
    Or is it the simple fact that without coffee, there is no first step in the procrastination process?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ooh, a way to avoid procrastination in all forms…it would make me superhuman! Or Linda from human resources. I don’t know a Linda from human resources, but I assume she exists.

      Lately, coffee is life 🙂

      But it’s more about managing procrastination. Much like one manages, you know, diabetes. 😉


  2. debscarey

    I’ve become very dull … I blame the bullet journal. I’ve become all routine-bound around my housework (there’s something about ticking boxea with a selection of coloured pens … what can I say?) and the blogs, but the bigger writing isn’t going so well.

    I have to accept that there *may* be something holding me back from applying my famed organisational skills to that too :O


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