#AtoZChallenge, #AccountaClub Edition: Knotty


Still behind. Still sorry. And I have so much catching up to do after my headaches, so it will probably take a bit, so I’m not ignoring you, I still adore you or am thrilled to meet you, I’m just behind.

And on to knotty. Which is how I found this post this morning, struggling as I was to find a K. It’s funny how we can tangle up and and around ourselves, exacerbating whatever pressure we had in the first place.

Which I am now doing.

Sometimes things seem to knot up all on their own, the metaphorical and the literal alike. Take, for instance, my headphones.


How is it that no matter what state I leave them in, the next time I see them they’re the World’s Biggest Ball of Headphones? Is it personal?

Stress does that too, back in the metaphorical realm, it weaves the problems together until it’s difficult to pick one out of the other. Not that I have any experience with that or anything.

But at least it’s Friday, and I’m now realizing this post isn’t AccountaClubby at all. In fact, I only just realized it was supposed to be (sneaky me) and that I hadn’t done the photo prompt yesterday.

See what I mean? Knots.

So: for #Accountaclub: yay #AtoZ! Yay many other annoying tasks that have to get done! Yay exercise!

Boo writing! Boo being a bad commenter and visitor!

How was your week? Knotty?

Check out  my full-length novels (affiliate links): 
Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only)   
Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) 
Her Cousin Much Removed
The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management.
And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s quick and weird!
Peruse Montraps Publishing
See what I’m writing on Medium.

4 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge, #AccountaClub Edition: Knotty

  1. This made me laugh (not at your still throbbing headache). What you described with your headphones seems to happen to ANYTHING with a cord that I’ve had contact with. I will put something away in the neatest, non-tagled-up-in-blues manner possible. The next time I go to use that item: BOOM! Twisty twervy knotted mess. That’s one reason I don’t mess with Ivy plants in the house.
    I’d make my own Day of the Triffids.

    Tale Spinning


  2. This week was less knotty for me. I love my friends, but I must admit, I don’t love houseguests. It was fun to do tourist things, but I was glad to return to routine this week.

    AtoZ is a lot of fun for me, even if some days I can’t possibly imagine how to tie any of my random audience prompts into a story that might fit the letter. Writing and editing, not so much. I count blog-writing as writing, for now, because I don’t have time for continuing my own stories, but … no one is keeping score, so it doesn’t matter how I count it, my story isn’t getting done. I edited on one day. That’s it. I think I can assume my actual projects are on the back burner this month.

    Liked by 1 person

    • debscarey

      Oh well done on coping with having a houseguest with A-Zing. I tried to get away for just a few days in the middle of it last year and felt torn into pieces by other people demanding my attention in real life. Sigh.


  3. debscarey

    The back is still being S L O W in recovering and I’m trying not to get knotted up emotionally ‘cos that doesn’t help the recovery either. Yeah, darn knots. I did get out for the day with my old small camera. It reminded me why I upgraded to a proper big camera (I can’t see properly without a viewfinder) so the pic results were a bit random & my knee’s gone a bit wonky from the walking before I was really ready. But there was beautiful sunshine and a lovely old country house & garden, so that’s my win for the week 🙂


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