#FridayThoughts: The core truth of everything.


(AI generated image description: person playing a fiddle with a burning light behind in a crumbling building.)

(AI generated image description: person playing a fiddle with a burning light behind in a crumbling building.)

First, if you haven’t yet, please check out my piece called “I’m physically embarrassed for CNN right now; or why I turned off the debate.” I had to stop watching to write it because I was so disgusted with the complete lack of moderation and fact-checking. This morning it appears I was far from alone.

Here is the core truth of everything: Nothing you can grasp at to criticize Pres. Biden makes trump fit for office.


Trump, who was just a ludicrous cesspool of lies the whole way through, is a convicted felon. He doesn’t believe in, let alone respect, the rule of law, especially when it’s inconvenient. You cannot give that man power for a second time, we saw what he did with the first.

I also think the design of the debate was intended to exacerbate Pres. Biden’s stutter, which, as I predicted, media is pretending doesn’t exist. But CNN put him in the position of fact checking and participating while speaking in very short windows. Feels a whole lot like a set up.

And yes he had a cold. People get colds.

But once again, I digress. I’m sorry the President had to deal with all of that on top of a cold.

Lying doesn’t take much thought, and if you’re the kind of liar trump is, the kind who lies more than he breathes, then it’s not hard to sound confident.

It’s telling the truth that’s tricky, like in this moment where trump accidentally reveals he knew putin wanted to invade Ukraine because they talked about it.

(Sorry I couldn’t embed the video but trust me it’s worth the click to Spoutible CEO Christopher Bouzy’s spout.)

If you can’t feel the water rising, in many places, literally, then it’s because you’ve decided to pretend things are not as they are. And that has never once in the history of ever saved a civilization.

Ask Nero and his apocryphal fiddle.

No one likes the solution to this problem because it’s not glamorous, it provides no bump in attention to you and it certainly doesn’t drive the clicky clicks. Everything isn’t solved immediately and screaming Veruca Salt-style doesn’t change much.

The only solution is voting. Voting in huge numbers, voting for Democrats in every single race you can, voting in local elections, voting voting voting.

It is our greatest and only real power as citizens. For now, this government belongs to us, but the expiration date is coming up fast. We will not be able to say that with this Court if trump grasps power again. He won’t let it go.

Have a productive Friday and this weekend, make sure that questioning person in your life understands the stakes and the options.

Check out  my full-length novels (affiliate links): 
Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only)   
Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) 
Her Cousin Much Removed
The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management.
And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s quick and weird!
Peruse Montraps Publishing
See what I’m writing on Medium.

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