‘Me Inside Me’ One Last Time


Our final performance of “Me Inside Me,” appears to be sold out. Already! It’s been such a crazy ride with this writing course. I’m really glad that I decided to do it, though, unfortunately, the next class I wanted to take has been cancelled.


I’ve gotten completely out of my comfort zone, I’ve tried something new, and I have to say, I really recommend it. Doing something different is difficult, especially if you are a creature of habit, and I am the creaturiest. But sometimes you just have to push through the discomfort of facing the unknown and go for it.

I’ve had a great time because of it.

So off we head to the end of this thing. And maybe the beginning of another? Who knows. I’m really glad I did it, though.

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

‘Me Inside Me’ Rides Again


Well, it’s week three for “Me Inside Me,” and we’re sold out AGAIN! At least online. Anyone still hoping to catch tonight’s show can check with the box office, though there are no guarantees.

And the sad thing is that, after tonight, we only have one more show left. Alas. It’s been a blast, though. I’ve loved watching how audiences react to our material, seeing the actors tweak their performances week after week.

And speaking of audiences, tonight I have an amazing group of girlfriends coming, friends who have been around to see the ups and downs over the past many years. Friends who have been there from the seeds of inklings of writing through this particular fruition, an outcome I couldn’t have imagined coming. It means a lot to share this moment with them, that they are taking the time from their extremely packed and hectic lives to head downtown and see the show.

One of those friends is a regular reader of this blog, and to her I say a very special thank you.

To all of my friends on this blog and in the blogosphere, I thank you too, for hanging in here with me, and watching this journey. Hmm, I should have saved that for the closing night post. Oh well.

If you can’t get to Chicago, but still want to check out the show, you can stream it live or watch it when it is archived; tickets are $6.

As they say in the biz (I assume. From TV and movies and the like), on with the show!

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

The Great Cleanup of 2016 Begins


During my period of not-so-much-writing, or The Dry Days (months?) as they shall now be called, I started several projects, but couldn’t push through them.

It’s time to face  what I wrote.

I’ve tried this before with a novel that’s about 85% finished, and haven’t managed to go through the whole manuscript (not the bestest sign in the world). I have a completed first draft I’ve never edited. And then I have a start on another novel, one I thought would catapult me through and break the block.

It did not.

But now that I am feeling interestingly writerly again, the time has arrived to start sifting.

And hope for gold? Who said that? Oh hello there, again, hypothetical reader. It’s been such a long time. You suggest I hope for gold while sifting through?

Snort. In first drafts? As if.

Every writer knows, hypothetical reader, that first drafts are for cutting up and coloring in and hacking apart and stitching back up. You might as well serve your dinner guests raw steak.

What’s that hypothetical reader? It’s so hard to understand you when your mouth is full. That’s an actual dish? Steak tartar? Fine, whatever, the metaphor still stands.

Courage, my friends, wish me courage, as I am about to wade into the writing abyss.

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

Mmm. Refreshing.


I took a little bit of a mental health break yesterday. I got the must-dos done, and then just…well, not much of anything really. I think it did me good.

We have a tendency to go and go and go, sometimes without much thought to where it is we are actually going. I don’t know that I contemplated anything so deep, but for a day, I just was. I ate well, or at least, I ate healthy foods, I had a killer workout (you gotta love The Firm!) and so the day went. It was my day, I took it and used it — well, I used it gently, I can’t say I used it all up — and today my list is quaking in its boots.

Even better, I am feeling a surge of creativity, and this time, it’s writing creativity. I’ve had a long, long dry spell, my fellow readers and writers, a long one, one where my creative landscape turned into the kind of blowing sand only seen in the deserts of Hollywood backlots.

You may have noticed a bit of a return with the short story I posted last week. And what’s more, the writing felt good, it felt comfortable. So more to come?

And look at this! Another item off of my list. Blog post? Done.

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

Another Week, Another ‘Me Inside Me’


Well, tonight is the second week for our Second City Training Center show, “Me Inside Me,” and I’m getting excited. I think I may have fewer nerves than last week, but I’m still at least 53% butterflies. Will this audience like the same things the other audience liked? Will they hate it? Was last week a fluke?

We’ll have to wait until tonight to see. And as always, if you are in the Chicago area, and looking for something fun to do this evening, feel free to check out the show. It’s funny. I swear. Also they sell booze, so there’s that.

Edit: If you’re not in Chicago, and would like to catch the show, you can stream it live or watch it archived here!

UPDATE: We are sold out again! If you’re hoping to catch the show, grab your tickets for next week now!

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

Someone’s Gotta Win


“I remember,” said the old woman, her voice dropping away into the creak of her youth, “the first billion-dollar lottery.”

“Oh, is that true, Ms. Notug?” Janiflower brushed a thin layer of dust off the juicer on the dresser. It stopped working decades before, but still Ms. Notug liked to look at it, she said it reminded her of days disappeared, days, apparently, steeped in juice. “Was it much money back then?”

“Oh, yeah, totes,” she said. “And I keep telling you to call me Madison.”

“Ms. Notug, you know that the facility prefers us to treat our residents with respect, which you totally—” Janiflower stopped herself and then tried it again, “—totes deserve. I alot amour your old-fashioned slang.”

Madison kept her wince to herself. It hardly seemed like the time had passed, but here she was, sitting in a nursing home, attended by a woman with the ridiculous name of Janiflower. One of three on staff.

“You know how ‘a lot’ used to be two words?” she said.

“No, it couldn’t have been.” Janiflower finished with the dusting, and slid the top pillow from the bed, fluffing it with vigor.

“Oh, it was. That was my generation, you know. Who needs the space? Such a waste of time when typing.”

“It would look so funny, ’Alot’ as two words. People used to be so stodgy. And to think you actually had to type what you wanted to say. You really had it ruffle back then.”

“Ruffle?” These kids with their new words, Madison thought. Couldn’t they stick to American?

“Oh, hard. I think it’s like, you know, rough?”

“Huh. Got it. Anyway, what was I talking about?”

“The lottery. The first billion-dollar one.”

“Ah, yeah, that’s right. Now no one won for more than two months, and it just kept getting bigger and bigger—”

Janiflower giggled. “It’s so funny to think of that amount as ‘getting bigger.’ They start at forty billion. I mean what could you buy for that back then?”

“Anything you wanted,” said Madison. “Anything at all.”

“Well you couldn’t give up your day job now, that’s for sure.” Moving on from the pillows, Janiflower carefully folded the worn fleece blanket at the foot of the bed. “I mean, it would help, but…”

“What did you say it was at today?”

“$2.3 trillion. That’s a value piece of change.”

“Trillions. What a world. When was the last time someone won?”

“Thirteen-and-a-half years ago. But I got a feeling tonight’s the night. And it’s only $200 a ticket, so…”

“Well make sure you buy more than one,” said Madison. “You know, to up your odds of winning.”

“Will do,” said Janiflower. “Want me to get you some? It’s against the rules, but for you, I’m bendy.”

“I’m a hundred and thirty-two, what would I do with a trillion dollars? Anyway, didn’t they change the odds?”

“Yep, but it’s all part of the chal. Ya gottta get a ticket to win,” Janiflower said, giving the coverlet on the bed a final smoothing.


“Challenge, Ms. Notug. Challenge.”

“The Super Mega Power GoliathBall covers how many planets?”

“Twenty-three. And when there is a winner, it always seems to be someone from one of those planets alot out in the branches.”

“The what?”

“The branches. You know, alot alot out there? Real alone-like? Still, someone’s gotta win. Eventually.”

“Eventually,” Madison agreed.








The Rush of Opening Night


Well, Opening Night was…amazing. It was truly, truly amazing. I can’t describe how incredible it felt to have an audience watching our show, to see them reacting to it. And it was sold out!

Standing in the booth with the other writers and our director, it was crazy to think about how far we had gone in a year. Four of us have been together since Writing 1; we’ve picked up a few others along the way, and somehow we created this thing that has life.

Watching one of the scenes, I leaned over to the woman who wrote it and marveled at how strange it was that we’d talked about the concept back in Writing 4 and there it was on stage. It was incredibly surreal.

I’m just happy that we have three more shows, though I know these weeks will fly by. It will be sad when it is all over, but I suppose that’s the way these things go.

Meanwhile, if you are not in Chicago, but want to see the show, apparently you can stream it! Tickets are $6. And if you’re interested, I wrote the first two songs in the show. If you are in Chicago, come check it out! Audience members raved!

OK, those audience members were my parents, but still, they have pretty good taste.

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!


What Could Go Wrong?


A friend found a summer camp aimed at adults that boasts no supervision right in the title, and, assuming the results of said camp, challenged me to write an apology letter after the camp had concluded. I got the choice of to whom the letter was addressed.

Challenge accepted!

It was so much fun, I thought I’d share it with you. Everything here, including the name of the camps below, are entirely fictional and entirely the product of my brain.

Dear Camp Wanmymomma,

We at Camp Supervisionless deeply, wholly and unreservedly apologize for the unexpected minor damage after our three-day summer camp experience for adults. Please believe us when we say the outcome was not foreseeable to us, and had we the opportunity, we might have planned things slightly differently.

Yes, it was truly unfortunate that the septic system became so clogged with used prophylactics that it caused a backup, thus flooding the showers throughout the boys’ and girls’ cabins. But the plumber assured us that not only can the repairs be made, the wrappers, wedging strategically as they did, prevented further damage.

And yes, it probably was difficult for you to explain to the parents of your young campers why it was that those toys that they found weren’t for them — sorry for the oversight, things were a little hectic as we were packing up, due to that hive of wasps that moved in after being attracted by the combined smells of bacon, birthday-cake flavored vodka and cherry lip gloss — but really, isn’t the summer experience all about learning and growth?

Now our landscape expert assures us that the, well, the vomit is actually beneficial for the plants, especially the acid-loving hydrangeas, which will be bright blue next year! Quite a change from the pink, but surely a welcome one. The chemical burns on the grass, though, were a little tougher to decipher, especially since we did not allow pets as per Camp Wanmymomma’s policies.

In short, we are willing to discuss any reimbursements for these inconveniences, and look forward to next year!


Tammy Slashslous

Camp Relations, Camp Supervisionless

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

The Show Must Go On! Or Start. Whichever.


Well, the show opens tomorrow! I’m nervous and excited and not sure, exactly, what to do with myself. We have to dress up a bit. Fancy.

There is honestly little else going on in my brain right now, though I’m probably not as big a bundle of nerves as the actors. They’re pretty amazing, and I think they will have it down and do an incredible job.

It’s been a year of meeting and working with some remarkable people, and through that, some growth. I tried on a new medium, couldn’t get it to fit quite right, tried on something medium-adjacent — comedic songwriting — and found it felt warm and tickly. Or should I say, warm & fuzzy.

OK, that is a joke only I would get, because one of my songs in the show is called “Warm & Fuzzy.” So it was hilarious, but really only to me. I digress. Ish.

I promise the whole show is much funnier than that.

So by next week, I will have much to report, after the audience reacts to our work for the first time. Assuming there is an audience. Let’s hope there’s an audience.

Hey, if you’re in Chicago, come see the show!

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

The Show Approaches!


Yesterday I talked about new things, and today I’m plunging right in. I’m using the new(ish) template for blogging here on WordPress. It’s weird. But a lot of new things feel weird, until they’re not so new anymore.

That aside, we had our tech rehearsal for our Writing 6 Show, “Me Inside Me” last night, starting at the ungodly hour of 10, that’s right 10. P.M. As the actors did a final full run (!), our director (and teacher), Rob Kozlowski worked on the lighting and sound.

It’s like a real show.

I take it back, it is a real show, and it runs for four weeks, starting this Friday, January 8, 2016, in Donny’s Skybox Theater, just one floor above Second City’s famed mainstage. That’s pretty exciting.

I started this journey on a whim a year ago, not thinking about what would come next, not even thinking about whether I’d take Writing 2 after Writing 1. I remember sitting in the conference room in Producers’ Row in Second City, hearing about the path to a produced show, and thinking, hey, that could be fun.

And here we are.

Last year, I decided to try more, take a few more risks, and here one of them is bearing fruit. I had a lot of misses, no question about that, but last year was absolutely different than the one that came before, and I needed that.

Anyway, philosophizing aside, if you’re in or around Chicago, come check out the show! It’s hilarious (no, I’m not at all biased, why do you ask?) and our cast is insanely talented. And then maybe think about what could be different for you a year from now. You never know.

“Me Inside Me,” A Writing 6 Revue, Fridays 7:30 pm Jan. 8-29 at Donny’s Skybox at Second City. Click for Tickets.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

Sign up for my spamless newsletter. And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!