#WednesdayWisdom: Missing the vines.


It’s gray today and supposed to get very hot again but right now, it’s not too bad. I’m not seeing that it’s supposed to top 90, but who knows. Tomorrow should be much cooler.

I’m still trying to get back into the swing of things but my rhythm is off and I keep missing the vines. Instead it feels like my head is crowded with all the stuff I didn’t think about while I was away, but now it’s everywhere.

World on fire kinds of things.

It never actually went away.

Travel lets us picture a unified world, a world defined by peace and the exchange of ideas, and the only thing in the way of that being a reality is humanity itself. Some people are, apparently by their very nature, terrible.

And in this country, they use religion as a mask for how terrible they are, frequently. As an excuse to be terrible. Of course that’s not all terrible people, but wow are there a lot of them here.

There are also the terrible ones who make selfishness their religion, but those two groups aren’t mutually exclusive.

Anyway, before I get too far down this particular tirade, I’ll admit it was nice seeing the good in the world and much less of the evil. It was nice focusing on nature’s beauty and diversity and not Republicans who want the Las Vegas murder spree to be a daily occurrence.


Ignoring what’s happening isn’t the way forward to that vision of a world where everyone has enough and no one dies for authoritarian egos.

Paying deep, close attention is how we get there. Electing the right leaders, all over the world, is how we get there. It is a world we can create, we can work toward but we have to do the work.

We have to be relentless for good. We have to be diabolical for good.

So for now, I’ll probably keep missing some vines, but sooner or later, muscle memory kicks in.

Sooner or later we look at where we are and where we want to be and figure out how to close the distance.

Have a great Wednesday.

Check out  my full-length novels (affiliate links): 
Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only)   
Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) 
Her Cousin Much Removed
The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management.
And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s quick and weird!
Peruse Montraps Publishing
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