#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Fuzzy.


Eh, what the heck, the poll is still ongoing but I figured with a slew of “I don’t know what that is” and one enthusiastic yes, why not go ahead and do a random #ThursdayTen?

For those new to the prompt: using the image above as inspiration, write a ten word story.

EXACTLY ten words.

You’ll see that’s the tricky bit.

Because there are people who haven’t tried it before, keep it clean, and absolutely no bigotry.

Today I’m going to take advantage of WordPress’s new AI image feature and see what we get.

Well, it’s definitely, definitely weird. Hopefully it inspires,

Ready? It’s not a #ThursdayTen unless I also play so here’s mine:

Contemplating an imminent, fluffy death, Ginger regretted that wish phrasing.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Technically.

Image: @Dcroucher (Fake movie poster for a movie called “Offline” in electric blues and blacks. A robot man with blue laser eyes against a cityscape; there are two figures in the shadow of a bright light behind them on a road inside the robot man’s chest)

It’s another gray, rainy one, and this morning I have a lot of thoughts, but instead of talking about them, why not do a #ThursdayTen? It’s been a while. This one comes courtesy of DCroucher again, who conveniently has set up an online shop.

SO! #ThursdayTen! Remember how to play after all this time?? First time? Let’s go over the rules!

Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story. EXACTLY ten words.

Since it’s a movie poster, that can take the form of a tagline in this case, if you want, or plot, or simply the story.

It’s up to you!

It’s always up to you. Except the ten words part.


Here’s mine:

Humanity is the problem. Taking them offline? AI’s perfect solution.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Gratitude

Photo by ArtHouse Studio on Pexels.com

Well we’re going to have a #ThursdayTen this week but not your usual #ThursdayTen. Given all that Spoutible CEO Christopher Bouzy and the Spoutible team have been dealing with this week I’m going extra rogue with the prompt today!

So yes, write a ten word story based on the image above but, and here’s the complicating twist, IT MUST PAY TRIBUTE TO THE SPOUTIBLE TEAM!

Complimentary, gratitude, respect, encouragement as long as it acknowledges all that the team have done to keep our favorite place up and running while making it safer.

If you’re not on Spoutible and want to use the prompt without the constraint, feel free! But I expect the the Spoutible responses to let Christopher and everyone working tirelessly know we see them even if we can’t see them and we appreciate them.

Got it?


Here’s mine:

Spouty had some spots to fill, but the team flourished.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Surprise!

Image: dcroucher

Well I did say probably not NEVER, right? And this image by our resident AI artist Dcroucher on Spoutible has been playing in my head. Why not use it for a #ThursdayTen?

Why not indeed?

And he is certainly not the only one using AI art for fun on the site, there has been an amazing proliferation in that realm. But if anyone has art they’d like to be used for a ten word prompt, please feel free to share!

Now on to the rules, in case you’ve forgotten. Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story. EXACTLY ten words.

Easy peasy!


Ready? Here’s mine:

The ad promised an exceptional view, but this was unexpected.

#ThursdayThoughts: Still bobbing out at sea.


It’s Thursday, and you may or may not have noticed, this is not a ten word photo prompt. I mean there’s a photo, probably, not at this point but by the time you read this which be after I’ve finished writing it, which is a little time-trippy.

But I digress.

I’ve been thinking about a lot of things lately, and how they serve or do not serve, whether they are still helpful or useful or fun or if they have run their course.

And the #ThursdayTen, to be completely honest with you, as I try to do, is one of those things.

I haven’t made any firm or fast decisions, and not being a weekly thing doesn’t mean it would become a never thing.

It may only be a not this week thing, I don’t know. Maybe just a something as the mood strikes.

I’ve spent a lot of time in a rip current, debris spinning around me, rafts breaking apart, grabbing on to the flotsam and jetsam. So much time, in fact, that treading felt like standing, really.

And now, washed up by the tide, picking through the stuff that’s also come ashore, I’ve decided to be more deliberate in many areas. My body made that decision for me with my strange back thing, reforming my exercise approach when I was able to go back to it.

Other things, as well, seem to have landed on the other side of the island. Where will the Thursday Ten wind up?

Not sure, it’s still bobbing out at sea.

Since leaving twitter, largely, the tone here has also changed, almost by natural progression. On Spoutible my voice is my voice and people hear it for what it is, which makes it more appealing to continue to use it with fewer reservations here. Maybe I don’t have the space for a weekly prompt.

We shall see.

And with that, I will wish you a wonderful–if prompt-free–Thursday. May the absence of a prompt make you more creative in your creativity, rather than less.

Check out  my full-length novels (affiliate links): 
Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only)   
Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) 
Her Cousin Much Removed
The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management.
And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s quick and weird!
Peruse Montraps Publishing
See what I’m writing on Medium.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Twisty

Image A: DCroucher

Happy New Year! And to celebrate our first #ThursdayTen of 2024, we’re doing something a little different! GASP.

In today’s post, we have THREE images from @dcroucher over on Spoutible. You can do one, two or all three, and here’s today’s twist: you can weave them into a story if you want, each image getting EXACTLY ten words! In any order you want!

Fun right?

If you’re new to Thursday Ten, we generally take an image and write a story of exactly ten words. So we’ll keep each “chapter” at ten words. If you’re doing this on Spoutible, just put a number next to your response under each picture so people know the order! Here, will take them as they’re posted, A, B, and C. If you’re doing it for yourself, then you know what you’re doing!

Here are the other two images:

Image B: DCroucher
Image C: DCroucher

Get it now, right??

Ready? Here are mine:

A. Her thoughts created the mountains and valleys and time itself.

B. Yet he didn’t feel like figment with the journey ahead.

C. She waited for him at the end of her universe.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Celebration

Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY!! And after a little break last week, our #ThursdayTen is BACK! With a vengence!

Or a celebration!

Or anything in between! Your pick!

Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story. EXACTLY ten words.

Last one of the year, so have fun with it! And if it’s your first one of the year, also have fun with it, and I hope you’ll hang out for more next year!

Ready? Here’s mine!

And with that final bell, the evil vanished, forever defeated.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen no prompt this week!


Due to my relentless efficiency (!?!?) I am not able to swing a prompt today (could I swing one any day? How heavy is a prompt?!), so I will wish you a lovely Thursday and suggest you check out this prompt instead!

Or feel free to peruse the old ones!

Have a great day and I’ll see you tomorrow.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Call

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY! Which means it’s time for our #ThursdayTen!

Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story. EXACTLY ten words!

So easy, a baby could do it! Well, maybe not a baby, they can’t write.

If they could, THAT would be a story.

Anyway, enough of that. Ready?

Here’s mine:

The Company always calls us in when we’re chilling out.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: In!

Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY!! And it’s sunny, and normally I wouldn’t say that in a #ThursdayTen post but it’s been gray for so long it seemed worth a mention.

But that’s not why we’re here.

#ThursdayTen time! Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story.

EXACTLY ten words! Very easy. And I know most of you are adults who don’t need to be told to keep it appropriate but keep it appropriate.


ANYWAY, ready?

Here’s mine:

Villianzcorp always began world domination plans with a “go team!”