#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Fuzzy.


Eh, what the heck, the poll is still ongoing but I figured with a slew of “I don’t know what that is” and one enthusiastic yes, why not go ahead and do a random #ThursdayTen?

For those new to the prompt: using the image above as inspiration, write a ten word story.

EXACTLY ten words.

You’ll see that’s the tricky bit.

Because there are people who haven’t tried it before, keep it clean, and absolutely no bigotry.

Today I’m going to take advantage of WordPress’s new AI image feature and see what we get.

Well, it’s definitely, definitely weird. Hopefully it inspires,

Ready? It’s not a #ThursdayTen unless I also play so here’s mine:

Contemplating an imminent, fluffy death, Ginger regretted that wish phrasing.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen: Location

Photo by Ardalan Hamedani on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY and time for a ten word story! Also known as our #ThursdayTen!

Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story. EXACTLY ten words!

I cropped the image because I was concerned there would be too much empty space when it posts on the social media sites…

Hopefully it still works.

Anyway, ready?

Here’s mine:

Time’s membrane grew thin enough, but only in pointless spots.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: weirder


You may or may not know that I am utterly fascinated by AI art, like the image above. I think it’s amazing how things look almost right, and then when you look at them more closely, you can see they’re not right at all.

The AI images aren’t among the most popular prompts, but I just can’t help myself.


Using the image above as a prompt, write a 10 word story.

EXACTLY ten words.

Lean into the weirdness if you want. Or don’t. But I kind of am starting to believe the Robot Revolution will start from a big misunderstanding.


Here’s mine:

She shed her own wings, relinquishing power to the bird.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen 10 word photo prompt: Barrier

Photo by Ike louie Natividad on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY!! Which means our #ThursdayTen! For anyone unfamiliar, using the image above as prompt, write a ten word story.

EXACTLY ten words.

And this week I’ll try posting on Spoutible too! So welcome if you found the post from there!

Welcome if you found it from anywhere.

And HI Regulars!!!

Anyway, ready?

Here’s mine:

Once the membrane between realities thinned, the future was hers.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Painted?

Human/AI collaboration DALL-E.

You probably know by now how fascinated I am by AI “art.” I think what intrigues me isn’t how it gets things right; it’s what it gets wrong. There’s something a little creepy about it, a little off.

Today’s prompt was inspired by the style of Edward Hopper and a machine imitating his views of people and human isolation really reveals the stark contrast between art and a computer generating an image.

While I wouldn’t hang it on a wall, it does offer a lot of interesting quirks to inspire a 10 word story which is why we’re all here! I assume.

ANYWAY, using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story. EXACTLY ten words.

Feel free to focus on its, um, idiosyncrasies.

Ready? Here’s mine:

As her friends gathered, Jen readied the Tree Removal Ceremony.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen ten word photo prompt: Moment

Photo by Beyza Kaplan on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY which means it’s time for a ten word story, or our #ThursdayTen as the cool kids say.

Using the image above as a prompt, write a 10 word story. EXACTLY ten words.

It’s not like you’re new at this or anything. Unless you’re new at this.

Then welcome!

OK, OK, enough delay. Ready?

Here’s mine:

The past gone, she wondered if the future was too.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen photo prompt: Snapshot


It’s AI collaborative art again, because as you know, I’m fascinated by it. And why not start off the new year with a little computer-generated ridiculousness?

Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story.

EXACTLY ten words.

Hopefully this one will get the ideas flowing. I had a hard time choosing among the results this week!

Anyway, ready?

Here’s mine:

Ghsksto couldn’t resist photobombing Xyowatoinwk showing off her new magnosled.

#ThursdayThoughts #ThursdayTen (photo prompt): Tale


Today’s ten word photo prompt, aka #ThursdayTen, is another collaboration with Dall-E, the AI drawing software. In this case, the style was that of a fairytale, and I think that it works.

I know there is a great deal of controversy about using AI art images, and I’m not sure what I think about it. I don’t think I’d use it to replace art that I’d need an artist to create, but that said I have some very inspirational images among all of the weirdness I got playing with it this month.

So who knows. It’s a tool that’s here and it’s staying and we have to figure out how it is used going forward.

But I digress.

Using the image above write a ten word story. EXACTLY ten words.

But you knew that.

Ready? Here’s mine:

The Widas Touch, he soon found, was deliciously wheat based.

#ThursdayThoughts ten word photo prompt: Wiped.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY! Which means it’s time for our #ThursdayTen!

Using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story! EXACTLY ten words.

A lot of us will be snowed in so what else is there to do?!

Well probably a lot and probably a lot aren’t going to be snowed in, but still.

ANYWAY, ready?

Here’s mine:

87 yule logs later, Annie was finally finished. Christmas complete.

#ThursdayThoughts ten word photo prompt: Floaty

Photo by Tembela Bohle on Pexels.com

It’s THURSDAY! Which means our #ThursdayTen!

And this week, I’m going to try posting this on twitter AND and on post! (I’m on Post!) So pick your place or play in both, that’s fine with me!

Anyway, using the image above as a prompt, write a ten word story.

EXACTLY ten words. Easy as that!

Which is kind of difficult but whatever.

Ready? Here’s mine:

“Why do they complain about Earth?” thought AXiodnONatoxgn. “Nice assignment.