J is for Just (Chocolate)


I’m sitting here, trying to think of a snappy blog post for J, which should be easy, given how many words there are, interesting words, beginning with J. But I have one thought on my mind.

Chocolate. Just chocolate.

It is literally all I can think about at this moment. Yes, I’ve only just had breakfast, and yes, it’s still technically morning, but I must have chocolate. My life will not be complete if I don’t have chocolate.

Yes, hypothetical reader, if chocolate is what it takes to complete my life, it is either very full or very empty. Someone woke up up on the snarky side of the hypothetical bed this morning, I see.

So I made a deal with myself. If I finish this post, I can have the chocolate. I have it, dangling in front of me, like a far more exciting and delicious carrot, though with much more sugar and probably fewer vitamins. Probably.

I think chocolate is full of vitamins we just haven’t discovered yet. Can you imagine being the person to discover that chocolate is actually the best thing you could possibly eat under any circumstance? That’s a definite Nobel Prize, don’t pass Stockholm.

It’s funny when your mind locks into something this way, and it’s just that one song you can’t get out of your head (theme song to “Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I’m looking at you), or just that one worry that won’t leave no matter how  you rationalize it away, or just the task at hand. I really wish I had more of that last one.

It sounds like a qualifier, like anything that comes after it is the real star of the show, but “just,” itself is the spotlight. And now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got some chocolate calling my name to the tune of the “Unbreakable” theme song.

Check out  my full-length novels,  Her Cousin Much Removed,  The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management and Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only), and the sequel, Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) which is now available!

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7 thoughts on “J is for Just (Chocolate)

  1. J here, stopping by from the #atozchallenge – where I am part of the A to Z Ambassador Team! (I’m a minion/volunteer under Arlee.)
    Great post. I’m looking forward to more. Let me know if I can help you in any blogging way this month. I’ve followed you on your listed social media sites.

    Actually, chocolate has (or causes the body to produce- I forget which) a chemical that stimulates part of the pleasure center in the brain. I know I read a study about that. I’m sure you can find it with a Google search. Also, dark chocolate is good for the heart. Cravings are normally the body trying to translate what it needs. Craving dairy, broccoli, and almonds can be a demand for calcium, for example.


    • Well, clearly my body needed chocolate 🙂 Thanks so much for coming by and for the twitter follow! I’m sorry my spam cue ate your comment, I really don’t understand why it thought you were spam.

      I can’t wait to see what you’re up to with this month’s challenge, and for a minion, you’re awfully nice 🙂


  2. I love chocolate. A local health food center makes a chocolate that is good for you, if I am being the best behaved for days it tastes good, BUT if I eat the real deliciousness… well then sadly it tastes like chocolaty seaweed… I hope you enjoyed every bite and that your life is indeed that full.
    #Blogging from A-Z 2015 this year two themes Movies and What’s in a name
    4covert2overt ~ A PLACE IN THE SPOTLIGHT http://4covert2overt.blogspot.com/
    DEFINING WAYS http://mariacatalinaegan.com/
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