#AtoZChallenge: Hiccup


By Thomas O’Neil (http://www.thomasoneil.com/photo.php?f=416) [CC BY 2.5 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5)%5D, via Wikimedia Commons


Whatever ails you, Aunty Ida probably has the cure, and  is only $0.99 for a limited time! Though watch it with her. She’s tricky.

So far with this year’s A to Z Blogging Challenge, on most evenings, a word pops into my head, an idea for a blog post follows, and there we are, easy peasy.

Didn’t happen with H.

Last night while I fell asleep, and fell asleep again, and fell asleep again (wasn’t the most restful night’s sleep I’ve ever had) I tried to think of H words, but they were all so bland. So bland that I couldn’t even tell you what they were, aside from “hungry,” which was on my mind this morning for pretty obvious reasons.

The blogging challenge is a month-long marathon,and there are bound to be hiccups along the way. I’ve seen some of you have had technical glitches (knock on virtual pages); others stuck for inspiration; and then there are problems out there so devious,so diabolical, they are like the collective nightmare fueled by writers’ worst fears (dead laptop).

But we persevere. We torture a metaphor in to the rough shape of a post, and onward we go!

Because what else are we going to do?

We’re writers, dammit. Writers use words and stuff.

15 thoughts on “#AtoZChallenge: Hiccup

  1. A big Amen to hiccups. Happens a lot in the creative minds. Even when you are just a measly old quilter, you sometimes hit a blank. Adding you to my ‘read’ list for the A to Z. I’ll be back 🙂

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