AccountaClub Friday, August 17, 2018


accountaclub-woodWeeeelllll…there were other priorities this week. Pressing life priorities. I had to help my parents clear many decades worth of stuff out of their house, which took up all of the weekend and most of the week, and yesterday I had an allergy attack thanks to the dust.

Not sure if anyone’s ever died from dust, but I could be a pioneer.

I had the whole deal, the streaming eyes, clogged nose. I’m still pretty sneezy today, in fact just talking about it I think just loaded up the old sneeze factory, I’ve sneezed twice writing this sentence.

Time for some more Sudafed, though not the kind you have to ask the pharmacist for and prove you’re not a meth lab. Hopefully that will help.

Not a stellar week for writing. Definitely a stellar week for finding stuff I didn’t know still existed, like some old dolls and some book favorites.

So AccountAbles, how about you? Did you kill it this week? Did it feel more like this week is killing you?

Like my political side? Read my opinion pieces here.

Check out  my full-length novels: 

Aunty Ida’s Full-Service Mental Institution (by Invitation Only)   

Aunty Ida’s Holey Amazing Sleeping Preparation (Not Doctor Recommended) 

 Her Cousin Much Removed

 The Great Paradox and the Innies and Outies of Time Management.

And download Better Living Through GRAVY and Other Oddities, it’s free!

Peruse Montraps Publishing.

20 thoughts on “AccountaClub Friday, August 17, 2018

  1. This was moving week, so it was a weak week writing-wise. (Wow, look at that alliteration!) We moved one load down to the house on Wednesday. The house is about a 45-minute drive, and I unpacked all of the suitcases while he sorted out the internet with the guys who were there to connect it when we arrived – YAY! One hour, 9 suitcases, emptied. I am a superhero!

    Yesterday (Saturday, for me) we brought back down the repacked suitcases, ran out to order a desk for Brett so he could teach all day today, and… I cleaned the floors. Today? We went out and found 2 PVC dressers so I could unpack a few things, and … I cleaned the bathrooms. 3.5 bathrooms! This is the biggest house I’ve lived in since adulthood! 1,500 square feet is a lot of cleaning.

    I’m proud of myself for having written anything at all on Wednesday and Thursday, amid re-packing. Tonight (Sunday) I’m finally back at it, but I don’t expect a high word count for the day.

    Liked by 1 person


      That is so much work in so little time. I can’t believe you wrote a WORD with all that!!

      And 3.5 bathrooms?!? That’s AMAZING. It sounds like a lovely place and a great move. I hope you’re settling in and getting a little break at this point. INCREDIBLE!!!!!

      Liked by 1 person

    • debscarey

      I am also amazed and seriously impressed that you not only did all that moving, fitted in some writing, but also had the energy to post here with witty alliterative words!

      I’m also being dead nosey and wondering why you move so often – is one of you in the forces? For it sounds like you have the moving thing down to a fine art when we all know how darn hard work it is 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. As I posted last week, no update this week. We spent Thurs/Fri in Pigeon Forge, TN with the grand-girls. Did WonderWorks and DollyWood. Yesterday was catch-up day after bringing the #2doods home. But I am at 99% of getting my C’Mon Inn Mystery trilogy published for both print and ebook. I did get the three stand-alone books up on Amazon before we left on our mini-vacay.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. debscarey

    I’ve decidedly *not* been killing the writing … and for some weeks now. I am beginning to kill life (in a good way) but it is all taking waaaaaay too long. Still, that’s what you get for being determined to do it all.

    Half my focus has been on the personal – supporting my Mum in her new home and spending time with Himself. We are deep in military show territory and whilst not on the top of my “oh how exciting” list, he loves it and I love seeing him in his element.

    The other half has been on the life coaching biz, trying to refine my niche, learning about marketing and branding. The years of study and the actual coaching itself is a breeze in comparison.

    Silver lining? I’ve managed to keep to my regular weekly schedule of blog posts on Despatches despite a summer of having nothing in the scheduled tank. But there’s a novel to be written with @breakerofthings which needs my focus. April was wonderful in many ways as it provided me with an excuse to do one thing and one thing only.

    Anyway, speaking of Despatches, I blogged about accountability. I have purchased a lovely new planner and on the top of my to-do list … is actually using it, for when I plan, I achieve. Odd that!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Awesome, I look forward to reading it! And moving parents is such an exhausting, difficult task, it takes a whole lot of attention.

      But I’m glad to know you’re back at it at the blog, I’m excited to see what you have to say there! And the new planners are awesome, so many fiddly bits!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. debscarey

    All the best people are 🙂

    And huge huge thanks to Donna, you are and absolute doll for sharing your Dollywood photos (I couldn’t reply in that section anymore – I think we talked too much in it!)

    Liked by 1 person

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